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I Saved Too Many Girls and Caused the Apocalypse: Volume 5 Page 18

  “Yeah. It’s a resort planet though, so they’re pretty much sticking to the background. Some of the people are scared of them, but the boss and the queen are making it work.”

  The mermaids were apparently long-lived beings. Some of their elders remembered when Squallow was the merman king. And things had come full circle. He and Queen Muse were now working together to make sure Berano flourished.

  So everything seemed to check out in that department. Now the question was...

  “And didn’t you say you were going to help, Rain?”

  “Yes. Now that I’ve brought mother and Squallow back together again, the next thing I want to do is fulfill my duties as princess,” Rain said with a bright smile.

  Next I turned to the so-far-silent Shirley.

  “Shirley, you said you were going to help restore planet Berano, right...?”

  “Yes, that’s right. That’s what I said when you left.”


  That’s what I thought. It seemed like I hadn’t forgotten anything or missed anything major. That meant all I could do was come out and ask.

  “So what are the three of you doing in my house?!”

  “Between the debt Estashion owns Berano after everything that happened and the fact that Finerita agreed to help with the planet’s reconstruction, planet Berano is in a much better position now. But we’re still not ready to come into the age of the Galactic Federation.” Rain’s voice was smooth and unfaltering. “And so instead of having me, the future queen, stay on Berano, it was decided—or rather, I decided—that I should go see other worlds and experience new things. My coming to school on Earth is a part of that.”


  Weren’t there better places she could go? Iris said that Earth was basically in the middle of nowhere, so why come here?

  “Wh-What about you then, Fam?”

  “I’m helping the boss. He wants to build a school on Berano.”

  The merfolk either taught their own children or hired tutors, so the children of poorer families tended to be less educated than those who were better off. Squallow had already been trying to build a school for the children of the Seageists, so now he had moved his plans to Berano.

  “Earth has a school-based education system or something. And since Big Sis Rain was going, I decided I should go, too, and learn everything I can so I can tell it to the boss.”

  “I see...”

  So Fam had a goal of her own, too, huh? Since she’d been eating snacks this whole time, I thought she was just here to have fun. Lastly, I turned towards Shirley, who gave me a mischievous smile.

  “Well, I guess I’m just here because the king and queen asked me to come with these two. If I stayed on Berano, I was at risk of the Estashionians finding me, which wouldn’t be good for the planet. Garnet’s here, too, by the way. She’s just watching the house.”

  So now I had figured out why each of them was here. Fam and Rain would be starting school next week. Shirley was busy doing research to help Berano, so she would be spending most of her time at home with Garnet.

  “So, you’re living together? Where’s your house, anyway?”

  “Diagonally opposite yours.”

  “It’s close?!”

  Come to think of it, that place was on the market, wasn’t it?

  “So, anyway, nice to meet you, neighbor!”

  “Uh... Yeah. Nice to meet you.”

  Rain and Shirley both bowed deeply, while Fam finished her snacks and gave me a very casual bow.

  “It’s, uh... good to have you here.”

  “I’m glad to have you here as well!”

  Harissa and I both bowed.

  As shocked as I was, in the end, it was great to be able to see them again. And like they said, we were neighbors now, so...

  “By the way, Rekka...”


  Suddenly Rain leaned forward and softly grabbed both of my hands.

  “Are you at all interested in running an inn?”


  “Or perhaps becoming a king?”

  What in the world?

  “Actually... there’s another reason I came to Earth.”

  “Is... that so?”

  “As part of the royal family, it’s my duty to give birth to a strong heir. And for that, I need an ideal husband. Someone I can spend my life with.”

  Oh, yeah. I’ve heard of this kind of thing. You see it in manga a lot.

  It was a big responsibility for her, but talking about things like “a husband you can spend your life with” and “giving birth to an heir” to a teenage boy was probably something she should’ve put a little more thought into... especially while she was holding my hands. I could feel the heat in my cheeks.

  “Rain, don’t surprise Rekka by saying things like that.”

  Whew. Thanks, Shirley.

  “But why? Mother gave me permission.”

  “And she told you to be dignified about it, didn’t she? Watching over you is part of my job here. By the way, Rekka, I have no such restrictions and will be ready at any time.”

  “Hmph. Shirley, what are you talking about?”

  “Nothing at all. I just wanted to make sure that he knew I was still pure since I haven’t had any friends for so long.”

  “And why does he need to know that?”

  And on they went. Rain would ask a question, and Shirley would dodge it. Rinse. Repeat.

  Harissa, however, was starting to look extremely upset for some reason. What was going on here? Didn’t they just come over to say hello?

  “Oh, right.”

  Fam, who’d been too busy eating candy until now, finally spoke up. Her childish attitude seemed like it might be the thing to save me here.

  “Wh-What is it, Fam?”

  “Well, um, listen...”

  She fidgeted a little, and then walked over to me...

  Huh? Did I just feel something soft and wet against my cheek?

  “F-F-F-Fam?! Wh-Whaddareyadoin?”

  Harissa, who saw it up close, screamed in astonishment. Rain and Shirley immediately ceased their argument and stared at me.

  “Listen... I’ve felt this weirdness in my chest ever since all that stuff happened, and when I asked the boss, he said to do this.”


  No, wait. I just felt something soft and wet against my cheek. That’s all. I didn’t actually see that it was a kiss. Maybe it wasn’t. And wait, didn’t this just happen to me not that long ago?

  “You know, I’m really grateful to you for saving the boss. I won’t call you a wimp anymore. From now on, you’re Big Brother Rekka.”

  Well, that didn’t sound so bad...

  Wait, no! Somebody do something about this! And do something about all the daggers the other girls are glaring at me!

  “Rekka, I actually developed a new type of drug that lets you breathe underwater in order to decrease the number of accidents on planet Berano. Would you let me test it on you? I’ll just inject it and then hold your head underwater for ten minutes.”

  “What a wonderful idea! You always have the best inventions, Shirley. Let’s try it right now.”

  “Huh? Hey, wait, guys...”

  They both grabbed my arms and legs, and then Shirley put her medical gun to my neck.

  “I’ll go get the bathtub filled, okay?”

  “Wait, Harissa?!”

  Why was she playing along with this?! Fam was just sitting there looking confused. Shirley was cackling like a mad scientist! And Rain’s smile was really scary!

  “It really is the same as ever.”

  R, stop watching and help... Wait, are they actually serious? That new drug looks pretty dangerous... I don’t know what I did wrong, but I’m sorr—GYAAH!



  This is the fifth volume of the romantic comedy series with the motto: “You can do anything with love, even overcome the apocaly
pse!” Hello again to old readers, and hello for the first time to people who bought all five volumes at once.

  This turned out to be Little Apocalypse, swimsuit and sleepover edition. The gender ratio in the hero’s party is getting completely out of hand. And it’s only going to get worse!

  Now, the fifth volume required more help than ever before. There was Nao Watanuki, who kept turning in wonderful illustrations even as the schedule tightened; Nanbu, my editor, who kept checking the drafts every time I rewrote them; Koji Hasegawa, who’s working on the manga version; everyone in HJ Bunko’s editing and sales departments; all the bookstores who put this on their shelves; and all the people who gave me advice about writing volume five. I thank you all so very much.

  And with the help of you, my readers, we’ve made it to our first anniversary. I hope you’ll continue to enjoy I Saved Too Many Girls and Caused the Apocalypse.

  I’m Nao Watanuki, the insert illustrator. Pardon my page of messy scribbles and sketches.

  I thought I'd do Squallow for the afterward for volume 5, but he got a surprising amount of pictures so instead it's Rain. I like heroines with long wavy hair like a European Doll, and she fit that perfectly. Not everybody got the same amount of space, but I'm glad I was able to draw everyone in their swimsuits too. My favorite was the tentacles(?) that I really started to enjoy and spend a lot of effort on. I hope they came across as eerie and alive.

  Okay, thanks for reading the afterward! I hope we can meet again!

  To Mr. Nameko, and all the editors, thank you once more.

  By the way, I turned in the rough for the swimsuit picture uncolored so Mr. Nameko decided on the colors for me.

  Thank you very much.

  (This is Fam)

  Nao Watanuki


  I Saved Too Many Girls and Caused the Apocalypse: Volume 5

  by Namekojirushi

  Translated by Adam Lensenmayer

  Edited by Megan Denton

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Copyright © 2012 Namekojirushi

  Illustrations Copyright © 2012 Nao Watanuki

  Cover illustration by Nao Watanuki

  All rights reserved.

  Original Japanese edition published in 2012 by Hobby Japan

  This English edition is published by arrangement with Hobby Japan, Tokyo

  English translation © 2017 J-Novel Club LLC

  All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property.

  J-Novel Club LLC

  The publisher is not responsible for websites (or their content) that are not owned by the publisher.

  Ebook edition 1.0: September 2017